Friday 30 January 2015

A Nyeri mother's bitter tears after son is put for life!

Today was that day that i normally despise. That day that i hear that my mum is schedule to go to the Nyeri law courts with his brother on a matter to do with ownership of a portion of land in Ngangarithi! I sometimes wonder why cant big mature people just sit down and talk to each other in a simple manner? Talk like how small children do? Without ill motives, understanding with consideration of the other? Without much bric a brac or gewgaws? #sighs#
One of the places in Nyeri most don't wish to be taken.

Apparently, my mums case was postponed for whatever reason and within minutes we were out of the courtroom to the compounds. As i approached the gates, I saw this 20 something old man with a triangular shaped face,large blood shot piercing eyes and a frowny expression.In his head were dirty brown locks with a receding hairline. He wore silver dirty jeans, a short sleeved polka dotted T shirt with unshaven brown beards. In his mammoth legs were undersized blue flipflops (slippers).

 In his hands were tightly locked handcuffs. He was being escorted by two, tall and tough looking  guards from Kin'gong'o prison. Coincidentally a 50 something woman appeared from the other corner, dressed simply in a kitenge garment. her eyes filled with sorrow and somehow sad. Her glummy, sullen and dejected look hidden behind an almond shaped nose. Her mouth dry, with pursed lips and appearing out of her greenish,yellowish kitenge scarf was grey skinny dull hair. 

A mother's tearful face after seeing his son's face for the last time.
She made out a shrill call for attention, and within a split second, the three men stopped and  turned. The faces of a son and mother locked on to each other. The wrinkled  hands of the elder woman shivered and shook. Her eyes got teary as she proceeded to meet her son. She shook her head in disgust as she proceeded forward to touch him.She opened her mouth as if to say something, but the sounds failed to come out, as if, her vocal cords had failed. She slowly reached to grip her son's hands but the hands fell. She broke in sobs and knelt down in dismay and distress.

Main entrance of King'ong'o Prison
The triangular-shape faced man with a frowny face, looked away and turned in shame and embarrassment. The guards held him more tightly, as if to punish him more. He proceeded as if to touch his mother's hand for comfort but his freedom was limited and he desperately failed. His eyes dropped and his eyes filled with tears. Tears of regret. He was towed away to the King'ong'o Prison bus, wailing and looking back every second. To see the last picture of a woman who loved him and who had high hopes for him.He was led away. Away from his mother, relatives, friends and the normal life you and I enjoy. Out into the gallows. Into lifelong incarceration, without parole. for a murder.

 A murder he had committed.. He had accosted a minor, attacked raped and murdered her. He pleaded with the courts after being read his  sentence and proceeded to say that he was drugged and could not remember anything on that fateful day. "No leniency or forgiven should be given to such individuals, you deserve to hang for as a punishment to others". Concluded the judge as he was being ushered out to King'ong'o prisons.

kingongo prisoners

Friday 23 January 2015

Rware Youth Forum (what transpired)

The youth leaders in attendance at the forum
Yesterday 22/01/2015 was quite a learning day for the youth leaders in Rware ward, Nyeri County. The Nyeri Bunge Sacco led by the charismatic youth leader popularly known as Mc Myke, The National Youth Alliance Nyeri branch leader led by Election Njoroge Wachira, The Scouts Association Nyeri branch led by Grace Michuki as well as the popular 'Nyeri Ni Sisi' Facebook page were all in attendance at the IFAD Hall,(where the Education, ICT, Education and Sports ministry is located) just opposite the posh Nyeri Club.
Group photos of all those proposing for development of the Rware Youth
 In attendance too was Leah Thanje a knowledgable 3rd year Mt. Kenya law student who took the youthful leaders in attendance on the step by step account on how to start a business, how to start a Limited Company, how to apply for tenders etc. Fatma Hassan (The Uwezo funds lady) also shared on how one qualifies for an LPO, an LSO etc. All these trendsetters had all  conglomerated to offer free advice to the Rware ward youth leaders. They have now branded themselves as Nyeri County Youth Empowerement Programme

 The main agenda of the day included raising the socio-economic status of the Rware ward youths through the 30% government tender youth slot which, even after being started 10 years ago, has had no youth company in Nyeri County  successfully applying for the said tenders due to absence of information.
Leah Thanje on how to start a company

Charismatic Nyeri Bunge Sacco chairman Mc. Myke
About 15-20 group leaders were in attendance. I was awed to learn that there are garbage collection, boxing, bodaboda, metalwork, woodwork, fabrication and other self help groups in this county. The Nyeri county executive Secretary 'Waziri' Mr. Elijah Nguyo was there too. He talked and adviced youth leaders to be united (even as groups) to assist in the development of  Rware Youth. The youth docket in the County Assembly was represented by Hon. Salma Uledi (who is one of the most hardworking Members of County Assembly). She cautioned the youths on the dangers of being used by politicians in pushing for their agendas and proceeded to say that some of the politicians are driven by personal interest and only use us and then dump us later.

The days affairs were finalised when the youth leaders in attendance decided to form limited companies ( a requirement for one to access government tenders ) once they meet with their group members.

The Young MCA Hon Salma Uledi doing what she does best.
The Nyeri county youth  empowerement programme is on the road to all areas of Nyeri county wards doing this awareness campaign to all youth leaders of the county. This sub counties include, Tetu, Kieni West, Kieni East, Mathira East, Mathira West, Othaya Mukurweini and Nyeri town.

To learn more on when this programme will reach your ward please like Nyeri Ni SiSi facebook page by clicking here

To learn more on the factors affecting the Nyeri Youth on facebook click here

All photos courtesy of Nyeri Ni Sisi Facebook Page

Friday 16 January 2015


Nyeri county  slum youths face more or the same problems with other slum dwellers everywhere.
insecurity, unemployment, low participation in decision making,drugs and alcohol abuse, inaccessibility to financial resources etc.

It is time we came together as young people and start investing in ourselves. We should stop being complainers, and we must gain courage to start attacking the problems above.
we know we have problems and the more we keep talking about them, the more we are wasting time.
we need to stand once and for all and look for solutions. We have had numerous promises from politicians, donors, organizations, county government, national government and financial institutions on how our lives will change for the better.
Truly speaking, what has really changed?
Are our problems subsiding or becoming worse?
Are we the ones to blame?

Those are some questions we need to ask ourselves..
Why are we the worst abusers of alcohol?
why are we all rushing to chew Miraa at noon and spend most of our day seated complaining they are no jobs?
Why is there insecurity amongst us, and we know the criminals yet we keep them hidden in our midst because they don't hurt us?

We are the same youths who appear in national headlines stripping ladies, circumcising  other men(watch the video above)raping chickens and donkeys(the truth hurts)!

To read a University of Nairobi article on the factors influencing alcohol consumption in Majengo slums in Rware ward click here.

The question remains?