Thursday 12 February 2015

Plane falls in Kiawara Nyeri

A plane landed today at a place called Kiawara  Kieni Nyeri county.

 Before you think of crashed bones, burning flesh and wrecked aluminium in Kieni maize farm in the expansive Kyeni ward, then be surprised to know that the particular plane was locally made with tins and was being controlled by a remote control.  The owner, a man from the city, had actually come to the full realization that the plane he was making behind his house in Kayole could outdo most of the local cheap airline planes that head to Kisumu, Eldoret and other big towns everyday.

With the 135 kg plane in his lorry, he engaged his lorry at 180 km/hr and sped along Nairobi- Nyeri road very fast, so fast that he could have caused numerous accidents along the way. Rumours has it that the particular man did not even stop for inspection from the notorious Thika cops even after being ordered to stop several times.

Upon reaching in Kieni, he quickly unloaded his light aircraft, assembled it, up near a cliff in area where you can see the former presidents mansion and the larger Kyeni ward and set up everything.

He removed a big locally made remote control similar to the green simu ya jamii Safaricom public phones and started to make his dreams and visions a reality. He pressed a button on the remote and the plane propellers rose to life. He put a large grin on his broad face as he proceeded to it give it a pull. He hurriedly called a few villagers standing by, to come to his aid and they pulled until the engine had given full throttle. They released it. The small plane took off for only 10 metres and fell.

The innovative young man has visions of making the best propelled planes in the world. He envisions helping the aviation industry use remote controls instead of hiring pilots. The man is planning to sell his ideas and design to Germany, USA, Britain, Russia and other developed countries. He was heard saying that he will come again to the particular cliff again next year with a better plane.

The said man has been seen in Nyeri town drowning in alcohol at a particular popular bar.

Tuesday 3 February 2015

Nyeri MCAs head to Mombasa for help in drugs war.

Controversial Nyeri MCA  Githaiga Njoroge
Last month, saw a number of our Nyeri leaders decide to head to Mombasa to get assistance from the leaders there on the best ways to tackle the drugs and substance abuse war that has become nearly impossible to defeat and is giving this leaders sleepless nights.

Leading this entourage was Nyeri County Assembly Forum Secretary General Githaiga Njoroge(who was once  criticised by Isaac Ruto for using tax payers money in 'unnecessary' foreign trips).
Helping a man deeply affected by drugs to his feet
As the entourage entered Mombasa, the Nyeri leaders were shocked by the levels of drugs abuse as the residents of Mombasa have nearly turned to Zombies because of this menace.

It should be noted that about 30 percent of the youths in Nyeri are drugs and substance abusers and don't seem like they are about to leave drugs any time soon.

The leaders met some of the  people affected by the vice in Mombasa and were flabbergasted to see that the situation there was far worse than here. The drugs that the youths there in Mombasa are using include,heroine, hashish, cocaine, morphine and opium which the Nyeri youth have not been seriously affected with.

Walking 'sleeping' zombies in Mombasa

A lady affected by drugs menace in Mombasa
Watch the full video here... Courtesy of KTN Kenya.

The question remains... Was it necessary for the Nyeri leaders to go to Mombasa on the tax payers money to find solutions of the problems of drugs abuse, yet there are better ways of doing it, right from here? 
Do you think the entourage was successful or was just a waste of time?
comment below.

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