Tuesday 16 June 2015


Its a bright Sunday morning as i proceed to do an interview in the home of *George Kamau,(Not his real name) a resident of Kiawara slums in Nyeri town. He welcomes me to sit outside his house on a huge stone outside his wooden shack, and as i prepare to remove my pen and book for the interview, he sits directly opposite me. After a few pleasantries, he turns , proceeds to remove a square plastic box  hidden behind a stack of wood. Opens the box, and to my surprise, is full of dry marijuana leaves ready to be rolled into bhang joints for his loyal customers. He looks a me with an awry smile and starts to tell me his life story and why he sells drugs for a living. I sit quietly and listen.
George*(not his real name) rolling Marijuana into joints for his customers.

George Kamau Wangui 30 years old , was born into a family of two other brothers. *Michael Gichange Wangui 25 years and, *Samuel Maina 38 years.(Not their real names)  They were all raised in Majengo slums in Nyeri town. This trio were once the most talented and famous acrobats around the defunct Nyeri District and beyond. Going as far as being recognized in Nairobi,Kitale, Eldoret, Mombasa, Thika, Machakos, Meru and other Kenya's big towns.

Today, 10 years later, this three brothers live in abject poverty in Kiawara Slums, Rware Ward in Nyeri County, with no formal education, albeit being talented, they survive on a day to day basis, not sure of what to eat tomorrow or the day after.
Their once star-studded life is no more and hope for a better tomorrow edges far and far as each dawn breaks.

George's wooden Shack in Kiawara slum

Their journey in the art of gymnastics started when they were in lower  primary School in DEB Muslim Primary School in Nyeri town barely into their teens.Orphaned at an early age after the death of their mother, they had no one to take care of them and as was the norm then,they dropped out of school due to lack of school fees and hit the streets of Nyeri town, to eke a living as street urchins. surviving on hand-outs and minor crimes. They engaged in all sorts of drugs and substance abuse including gum, petrol, glue, marijuana, Miraa etc. to beat idleness. This was before Samuel Maina their eldest brother encouraged them to practice the only talent they had, body contortion, gymnastics and acrobatics to seek a reliable income.

 With Samuel Maina being  the best in this art, he helped his younger brothers sharpen their skills and led them out of their daily drug-laden begging life into practice sessions at YMCA Hall, Nyeri town. Within no time, the three brothers were quite confident and this time round, they hit the streets of Nyeri town as performers with a name for their group, Fantastic Acrobat Group where they could earn a few shillings thrown by bystanders who seemed thrilled by their performances.
Apart from selling weed, George engages in farming in his squatter land.
To cut the long story short, they endured on with their public performances becoming better day by day, and sooner or later got invites in parties, weddings, public shows in front of politicians, ASK shows etc.  In those days, am told, the town council was more keen on talent and did not harass these young men as they hustled for their daily bread. In the early 2000, there were 4-5 talent groups in Nyeri town alone, whose names included, ABN talent Group,Drumbeats Africa(which I recall), and others whose names have escaped me. In those days, the council would give daily permits for this youths to perform unlike today where such talented youths are told that they are dirtying the streets!

This talented youths performed in big hotels such as Green Hills Hotel (see photos), Outspan Hotel, Narumoru River Lodge, Hilton Hotel, Nairobi Casino, Serena beach Hotel, Bomas of kenya as well as big institutions including universities and colleges.

Fantastic Acrobats performing at Green Hills Hotel Nyeri.
With a change in government, to the Kibaki presidency in 2002, things changed drastically.  Without any formal papers, and the government relentless efforts to curb insecurity by targeting youths in dreadlocks, they would time in time get arrested, especially in Nairobi and Mombasa, fined heavily and then released into the streets to be arrested by another dirty cop. With good earnings in Mombasa and Nairobi, the pain of leaving these cities was too painful for them,  they had to pack their bags and leave after spending a lot of money bribing policemen and seeing their job deteriorating. They knew, they had a place called home. A place called Nyeri. What they did not know, is that, upon returning home, they would, be in for a shock!
From Mombasa, to Nairobi and other big towns, this group made of only brothers used to pull crowds everywhere.

Returning home, the daily permits had been cancelled, the few talent groups were no longer performing and one was called a thug and an idler for being in the streets performing! The daily shows they once performed outside Wazee Hukumbuka bar in Nyeri town was no longer allowed and county askaris were on the lookout for them. They faced arrests,had no money for bribes and they could no longer perform anywhere and their dreams were shattered.

They had no one to speak for them, no manager to seek them the necessary papers or opportunities and they had no money in the bank as they didn't have financial intelligence on investments and savings. Within no time, they lost hope, they could not access the necessary licences to even perform in private weddings or parties and eventually gave up on their only talent. They had no option but to go back to the slums and look for a way out. Michael Gichange the youngest of the three brothers is now a scrap dealer, Samuel Maina the most talented of the three other is now a shoe shiner in town as George continues his illicit trade as well as farming.

Their only hope lies in the county government change in development and empowerment of youths like them and others out there with talent. They remain a forgotten lot, who are not begging for jobs but actually requesting for opportunities to be opened for them to earn a descent living.

They go ahead as to blame the current Nyeri County Government leaders for the empty promises they had for them in the campaign period which includes empowerment of talented youths. Am told by George Kamau, that the current rates of performing in the streets is to high for them as they are expected to pay between Ksh 4000 to Ksh 5000 per two weeks. Equivalent to about 10,000/= per month for performing in the streets!

Some of the talented youths in Nyeri whom i have interviewed before, believe that the government has not assisted them in any way possible, because they have talent and they are no jobs. they still insist that crime and illicit trades will prevail if nothing is done. The government has previously promised a million times on how they will help talent grow but nothing has ever changed. They claim that politicians only come to them for votes and have never returned to them to empower them or see how they are doing. They are afraid that the situation is getting worse everyday!
George's main dream is to build himself a permanent house, with small savings he works alone to fulfill his dream.
I personally believe that the current County government does not have any working policies for youths, especially in the slums. It should be noted that Nyeri county is in record for being the WORST in the empowerment of the youths countrywide. We have on many occasions seen other counties holding talent shows, sports activities (look at Rurin'gu stadium for example) dance shows etc. but NONE has ever happened here except the Miss Tourism fashion Show which is mandatory for all counties.. The question remains.. Is the County Government under Governor Gachagua  the biggest enemy for the development of the Nyeri youth? Whats your take on this.. please comment below and share your thoughts.

The writer is a co-founder of Rware Youth Rehabilitation Initiative, An organization that helps drugs and substance abusers from Rware ward Slums, Nyeri county live better lives through sports and talent identification. 
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For assistance in any form: funds, opportunities, empowerment of the said youths:
please text/call 0712340430. Your co-operation will be highly appreciated.